Dr. Diptesh Aryal Bio

Diptesh Aryal completed his Clinical Fellowship in Critical Care at the University of Toronto, Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care and St Michael’s Hospital in the year 2014 - 2015. He did MBBS and MD Anesthesiology from Institute of Medicine, Kathmandu. His work focuses on implementing a cloud-based ICU registry platform, which captures near real-time, high-quality data on case mix, outcomes and care quality metric, enabling setting - prioritized improvement, training and research for critical care in Nepal. Diptesh has been awarded an Honorary Physician position in Critical Care at the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit (MORU), Bangkok. Diptesh is Principal Investigator for REMAP-CAP and MEGA-ROX clinical trials in Nepal.

Diptesh is pursuing a PhD from the D'Or Institute for Research and Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His PhD project aims to identify the clinical characteristics, risk factors and attributable outcomes of unplanned ICU readmission in a Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) setting as well as to identify strategies to reduce the incidence and impact of unplanned readmissions on patient morbidity, mortality and resource availability. He is a member of WHO International Trial Steering Committee for COVID Oxygen Clinical Trial (O2CoV2) and Guideline Development Group of the WHO Living Guideline on Clinical Management and COVID-19 (Non Invasive Ventilation for patients with COVID-19).